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In our world of things made in China, “Zaras”, “H&Ms” there are still people who look for unique things, made especially for them. We, artisans and creative entrepreneurs, are precisely these businesses where lovers of unique products will go. So, how can you ensure that they come to look for you, your products and creations? What attracts these customers?


Above all, it is personalized attention. Throughout! The client has to feel that the solutions that you as an entrepreneur and artisan are going to give, are only for him. You have to look like your VIP client in every way.


Another great way to differentiate yourself from your competitors is to use your personality, your emotions, your vision of the world, your story to attract all those customers who want to order a notebook, or an album, or a dress or what you do, to YOU, and not your competitor.


Communicate with your customers. If you have a web page, in the section “About me” write about your values, about your priorities in life and in business. Do it right now!


Tell your customers about what goes on behind the scenes. This does not mean exposing all the details of your private life. But it is normal when people are interested in how your process of creating your products is going, what hobbies you have, what books you like to read. Because as well as you can transmit ideas and advice for your customers (and not only about your products and your business). And that’s how trust is established – in you as a person and as an entrepreneur.


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